39 research outputs found

    A hardware field simulator for photovoltaic materials applications.

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    2006/2007Il presente lavoro riguarda la descrizione di un simulatore di campo fotovoltaico (in seguito simulatore). Il simulatore è un convertitore elettronico di potenza che, alimentato dalla rete elettrica, riproduce la caratteristica tensione corrente di un campo fotovoltaico (insieme di moduli fotovoltaici connessi in serie e in parallelo) operante in condizioni climatiche di temperatura e irraggiamento arbitrarie. Il nuovo dispositivo verrà impiegato nell’ambito del laboratorio fotovoltaico cui fa riferimento l’impianto in via di realizzazione sul tetto dell’edificio che ospita il Dipartimento dei Materiali e delle Risorse Naturali dell’Università di Trieste. Il simulatore viene proposto come utile strumento per i progettisti di dispositivi solari funzionanti in sistemi fotovoltaici connessi in rete. In particolare, il simulatore permetterà di prevedere il funzionamento di nuovi moduli fotovoltaici operanti in condizioni di ombreggiamento arbitrario e inseriti in un sistema fotovoltaico reale. L’uso del simulatore sarà particolarmente efficace nel caso di simulazioni di tecnologie in film sottile come, ad esempio, il silicio amorfo, il tellururo di cadmio, ecc. Il simulatore sarà anche necessario per testare i componenti che fanno parte di un sistema fotovoltaico connesso in rete, con particolare riferimento ai sistemi di condizionamento della potenza (detti anche inverter). Tali sistemi, oltre a convertire la tensione continua prodotta dai moduli fotovoltaici in una tensione compatibile e sincronizzata con quella della rete, devono garantire istante per istante l’inseguimento del punto di massima potenza estraibile dal campo fotovoltaico cui sono connessi. Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in cinque capitoli. Il primo capitolo fornisce una breve descrizione dello stato dell’arte e di alcune aspetti economici relativi alla tecnologia fotovoltaica. Nel secondo capitolo vengono richiamati il modello classico di una cella solare e le definizioni riguardo le sue caratteristiche principali (punto di massima potenza, efficienza, fill factor, ecc.). Nello stesso capitolo un’overview sui materiali e sulle tecnologie utilizzate nella realizzazione dei dispositivi fotovoltaici divide, come suggerito da Martin Green, le celle solari in tre diverse generazioni: la prima comprende i dispositivi realizzati in silicio cristallino (mono e policrisallino), la seconda quelli in film sottile (in silicio amorfo, tellururo di cadmio CdTe, diseleniuro di rame e indio CIS, diseleniuro di rame, indio e gallio CIGS, diseleniuro di rame, indio, gallio e zolfo CIGSS) e le celle di Graetzel, e la terza le celle multigiunzione, a banda intermedia e quelle organiche. Nel capitolo tre viene fornita una descrizione dei componenti costituenti un sistema fotovoltaico connesso in rete e viene proposto un nuovo metodo per la determinazione delle caratteristiche corrente tensione e potenza tensione prodotte da dispositivi fotovoltaici. Il metodo risulta efficace in quanto non necessita di misure sperimentali da effetture sui diversi dispositivi. I dati forniti nei comuni data sheet che vengono forniti a corredo dei moduli fotovoltaici sono sufficienti a determinarne il comportamento al variare della temperatura di funzionamento e del livello di radiazione solare. L’efficienza di un sistema fotovoltaico (Balance Of the System, BOS) viene calcolata nel capitolo quattro. Particolare enfasi viene data all’effetto di mismatching che è tanto più importante quanto più è elevato il livello di ombreggiamento presente sul piano dei moduli fotovoltaici costituenti l’impianto. Infine, l’ultimo capitolo riguarda la descrizione del simulatore e delle sue applicazioni.The subject of this work is a power electronic device, hereafter named photovoltaic field simulator, which converts the grid voltage into a current voltage characteristic. This characteristic replicates the behavior of a real photovoltaic field working in arbitrary conditions of irradiance and temperature. After building, the photovoltaic field simulator will be used in the photovoltaic laboratory which is connected to the experimental photovoltaic plant which will be installed on the roof top of the Materials and Natural Resources Department of Trieste University. The photovoltaic field simulator will be used for photovoltaic module parameters design with particular reference to its behavior when inserted in a photovoltaic field operating under shaded conditions. The use of the simulator will be particularly effective when simulating thin-film technologies as, for example, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and etc. The photovoltaic field simulator will also be used for testing the components of grid connected photovoltaic systems with particular reference to the power conditioning units (also named inverters). These systems, which convert the direct current produced by the photovoltaic modules into a utility grade current (typically alternate and sinusoidal at a frequency of 50-60Hz), must extract maximum power from the photovoltaic field. The work is divided into five chapters. In the first a brief description of photovoltaic technology and its economic aspects is given. Chapter two is on classic solar cell modelling basics and on the definition of the parameters of photovoltaic technology (maximum power point, efficiency, fill factor, and etc.). In the same chapter a materials and technologies overview splits, as suggested by Martin Green, solar cells in three different generations: the first comprises crystalline silicon (mono and polycrystalline) devices, the second thin-film devices (amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride CdTe, copper indium diselenide CIS, copper indium gallium diselenide CIGS, copper indium gallium sulphur diselenide CIGSS), and the Graetzel cells, while the third multi-junction, intermediate band and organic photovoltaic devices. The third chapter briefly describes photovoltaic grid connected system components. In particular a new model for plotting photovoltaic current voltage and power voltage characteristics is provided. The method is original because only module data sheet parameters are used and experimental measurements are not needed in order to determine the photovoltaic modules behavior with reference to irradiance and working temperatures changes. In chapter four the Balance of a photovoltaic System (BOS) is calculated. In particular the importance of the mismatching effect of photovoltaic modules due to shaded conditions is shown. The last chapter is on simulator description and its applications.XX Ciclo197

    Adaptive Neural Network-Based Control of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

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    In this paper, the behavior of a grid-connected hybrid ac/dc microgrid has been investigated. Different renewable energy sources - photovoltaics modules and a wind turbine generator - have been considered together with a solid oxide fuel cell and a battery energy storage system. The main contribution of this paper is the design and the validation of an innovative online-trained artificial neural network-based control system for a hybrid microgrid. Adaptive neural networks are used to track the maximum power point of renewable energy generators and to control the power exchanged between the front-end converter and the electrical grid. Moreover, a fuzzy logic-based power management system is proposed in order to minimize the energy purchased from the electrical grid. The operation of the hybrid microgrid has been tested in the MATLAB/Simulink environment under different operating conditions. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness, the high robustness and the self-adaptation ability of the proposed control system

    Optimal Sizing and Environ-Economic Analysis of PV-BESS Systems for Jointly Acting Renewable Self-Consumers

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    Future residential applications could benefit from nanogrids that integrate photovoltaics (PV) and battery energy storage systems (BESS), especially after the establishment of recent European Community directives on renewable energy communities (RECs) and jointly acting renewable self-consumers (JARSCs). These entities consist of aggregations of users who share locally produced energy with the aim of gaining economic, environmental, and social benefits by enhancing their independence from the electricity grid. In this regard, the sizing of the PV and BESS systems is an important aspect that results in a trade-off from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives. To this end, this paper presents an investigation on the optimal PV-BESS system sizing of a condominium acting as a JARSC community, which includes a common PV plant and EMS, operated by rule-based criteria. PV-BESS sizing results are investigated from economic and environmental perspectives, considering a case study located in Milan, Italy. In these regards, in addition to the common techno-economic criteria, carbon dioxide emissions are considered with particular attention, as their reduction is the driving ethos behind recent EU directives

    Sustainability Analysis of Hydrogen Production Processes: a Comparison Based on Sustainability Indicators

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    Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier and storage medium that may be employed in a variety of applications. It may be produced using different processes. In this work, process simulation is used to obtain material and energy balances for each process investigated, as well as for the evaluation of capital and maintenance costs. Process simulation outcomes are then used to estimate three key performance indicators focusing on sustainability issues: the energy return of energy invested, the levelized cost of hydrogen and the life cycle assessment. We compared several hydrogen generation processes, each denoted by a unique colour code: (i) green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis of water using electricity from renewable sources, (ii) grid hydrogen, produced by electrolysis using grid electricity, (iii) grey hydrogen, produced from natural gas using steam reforming and (iv) blue hydrogen, like grey one, but coupled with carbon capture and storage. In conclusion, the most sustainable hydrogen production method is the green hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis

    A novel fault diagnosis technique for photovoltaic systems based on artificial neural networks

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    This work proposes a novel fault diagnostic technique for photovoltaic systems based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). For a given set of working conditions - solar irradiance and photovoltaic (PV) module's temperature - a number of attributes such as current, voltage, and number of peaks in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the PV strings are calculated using a simulation model. The simulated attributes are then compared with the ones obtained from the field measurements, leading to the identification of possible faulty operating conditions. Two different algorithms are then developed in order to isolate and identify eight different types of faults. The method has been validated using an experimental database of climatic and electrical parameters from a PV string installed at the Renewable Energy Laboratory (REL) of the University of Jijel (Algeria). The obtained results show that the proposed technique can accurately detect and classify the different faults occurring in a PV array. This work also shows the implementation of the developed method into a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) using a Xilinx System Generator (XSG) and an Integrated Software Environment (ISE)

    Experimental evidence of PID effect on CIGS photovoltaic modules

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    As well known, potential induced degradation (PID) strongly decreases the performance of photovoltaic (PV) strings made of several crystalline silicon modules in hot and wet climates. In this paper, PID tests have been performed on commercial copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) modules to investigate if this degradation may be remarkable also for CIGS technology. The tests have been conducted inside an environmental chamber where the temperature has been set to 85 \ub0C and the relative humidity to 85%. A negative potential of 1000 V has been applied to the PV modules in different configurations. The results demonstrate that there is a degradation affecting the maximum power point and the fill factor of the current\u2010voltage (I\u2010V) curves. In fact, the measurement of the I\u2010V curves at standard test condition show that all the parameters of the PV modules are influenced. This reveals that CIGS modules suffer PID under high negative voltage: this degradation occurs by different mechanisms, such as shunting, observed only in electroluminescence images of modules tested with negative bias. After the stress test, PID is partially recovered by applying a positive voltage of 1000 V and measuring the performance recovery of the degraded modules. The leakage currents flowing during the PID test in the chamber are measured with both positive and negative voltages; this analysis indicates a correlation between leakage current and power losses in case of negative potential

    Grid parity in the Italian commercial and industrial electricity market2013 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP)

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    The Italian photovoltaic market is since 2011 the world's largest and represents a success story having attained grid parity for the commercial and industrial (C&I) market of electricity. In this paper, the Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) is calculated for three representative locations in Northern, Central, and Southern Italy, and compared with the C&I end-user electricity price. The grid parity is shown under certain conditions showing that the photovoltaic market is already ready to survive without the feed-in tariff mechanism

    Microgrids as drivers in the global energy transition towards renewables

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    Contrastare gli effetti negativi dei cambiamenti climatici rappresenta una sfida chiave del 21° secolo. L’uso di combustibili fossili per la produzione di energia, il riscaldamento e i trasporti, è la causa principale delle grandi quantità di gas serra rilasciati nell’atmosfera, responsabili dell’attuale riscaldamento globale. Per limitare le conseguenze dannose dei cambiamenti climatici, il mondo ha urgente bisogno di utilizzare l’energia in modo efficiente, utilizzando fonti di energia pulite. Il contributo descrive l’attuale transizione energetica, in cui l’elettrificazione sta emergendo come una soluzione chiave per ridurre le emissioni, ma solo quando accompagnata da energia pulita, sempre più prodotta a costi minori da fonti rinnovabili. Il contributo illustra i principali trend che stanno guidando il boom delle rinnovabili, con il fotovoltaico che funge da portabandiera. Grid-parity e fuel-parity rappresentano un passo fondamentale nel percorso di crescita (a livello globale a tassi record) di questa tecnologia solare. Il contributo introduce poi le microreti come un sistema in grado di bilanciare la produzione variabile di energia rinnovabile con le attività di generazione tradizionali, contribuendo anche a integrare queste energie rinnovabili nel mix energetico. Esse forniscono energia pulita, efficiente, a basso costo, migliorano la resilienza locale ed il funzionamento e la stabilità della rete elettrica regionale.Mitigation and adaptation to climate change are key challenges of the 21st century. Combustion of fossil fuels for energy production, heating and transport, is the main cause of the large amounts of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, responsible of the current global warming. To limit the damaging consequences of the climate change, the world urgently needs to use energy efficiently, making use of clean energy sources. The paper describes the current energy transition, where electrification is emerging as a key solution for reducing emissions, but paired with clean electricity, increasingly sourced at the lowest cost from renewable energy. The paper illustrates the main trends that are driving the rapid deployment of renewables, with the photovoltaics as the standard bearer. Grid-parity and fuel-parity represent a fundamental step in the growth path (globally at record rates) of this solar technology. The paper then introduces microgrids as systems able to balance the variable output of renewable energy with traditional generation assets, also contributing to integrate these renewables into the energy mix. They provide efficient, low-cost, clean energy, enhances local resiliency, and improves the operation and stability of the regional electric grid.Mitigation and adaptation to climate change are key challenges of the 21st century. Combustion of fossil fuels for energy production, heating and transport, is the main cause of the large amounts of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, responsible of the current global warming. To limit the damaging consequences of the climate change, the world urgently needs to use energy efficiently, making use of clean energy sources. The paper describes the current energy transition, where electrification is emerging as a key solution for reducing emissions, but paired with clean electricity, increasingly sourced at the lowest cost from renewable energy. The paper illustrates the main trends that are driving the rapid deployment of renewables, with the photovoltaics as the standard bearer. Grid-parity and fuel-parity represent a fundamental step in the growth path (globally at record rates) of this solar technology. The paper then introduces microgrids as systems able to balance the variable output of renewable energy with traditional generation assets, also contributing to integrate these renewables into the energy mix. They provide efficient, low-cost, clean energy, enhances local resiliency, and improves the operation and stability of the regional electric grid

    Short-term forecasting of power production in a large-scale photovoltaic plant

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    In this paper, a simple but accurate approach for short-term forecasting of the power produced by a Large-Scale Grid Connected Photovoltaic Plant (LS-GCPV) is presented. A 1-year database of solar irradiance, cell temperature and power output produced by a 1-MWp photovoltaic plant located in Southern Italy is used for developing three distinct artificial neural network (ANN) models, to be applied to three typical types of day (sunny, partly cloudy and overcast). The possibility of obtaining accurate results by using solely the monitored data rather than knowing the actual architecture and details of the plant is a notable advantage; in particular, the method\u2019s reliability gives to operation and maintenance and to grid operators excellent confidence in the evaluation of the performance of the plant and in the programming of the dispatching plans, respectively